Upcoming Events

Beginner's Photography Class

Beginner's Photography Class

Saturday 08 February
Pfafftown - 10am - 3 Hours
Mikayla Penner
Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure? Now is your chance! Join us as we break down your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings affect your exposure.We will then put your new knowledge to the test with the guidance of a professional photographer.
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$92       2 places left
Macro Photography Meetup

Macro Photography Meetup

Saturday 22 February
Tobaccoville - 10am - 2 Hours
Mikayla Penner
Macro photography is a unique form of photography that involves photographing small objects to make them look life-sized or more significant in the photo. The usual subjects include flowers and small insects, which we don't normally get to see up close with the naked eye.

The class will start when the insects are more active. So be ready to explore and capture breathe-taking macro images.
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Speedlight/Artificial Light

Speedlight/Artificial Light

Saturday 15 March
Tobaccoville - 10am - 2 Hours
Mikayla Penner
Come join us to learn how to elevate your images with different lighting techniques. We will be learning how to use speedlights, strobe lights, and various light modifiers and reflectors to achieve your desired image and photograph like a pro.
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Beginner's Photography Class

Beginner's Photography Class

Saturday 29 March
Pfafftown - 10am - 3 Hours
Mikayla Penner
Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure? Now is your chance! Join us as we break down your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings affect your exposure.We will then put your new knowledge to the test with the guidance of a professional photographer.
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$92       5 places left

Nearby Photography Groups

Nature Photography Meetup

Nature Photography Meetup

Sunday 09 February
Lindley Park neighborhood - 10am - 2 Hours
Greensboro Photography Group
Malcolm Miller
Join this session for tips on how to use your camera settings to creatively capture nature in a visually interesting way. We will be looking at composition, focus, and colour.

Many professional offices and places of business have large prints gracing their wall space of things such as fields of flowers, a butterfly perched on a leaf, and a single dew drop on a rose petal. These beautiful images are all around us in nature. It just takes that special "eye" to not only see it but to capture it in a way that will turn that simple little piece of nature into a beautiful piece of art. We will learn how to use different angles, light and shadows, and settings to make subjects pop.
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Street Photography

Street Photography

Saturday 12 April
Downtown Greensboro - 10am - 2 Hours
Greensboro Photography Group
Malcolm Miller
People, cafes, vendors, street merchants, buskers, historic buildings, art installations and much more. The power of observation underpins the art of great street photography. Learning to "see" interesting detail is a practised skill and we introduce you to easy methods that will open your photographer's eye and expose you to a world that is alive with detail. The most rewarding part of the class is learning how to approach interesting people and have them willingly pose for you.

We will also go over settings, focusing techniques and lens choices common to street photography to help us capture those random chance encounters.
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Beginner's Photography Class

Beginner's Photography Class

Saturday 26 April
Lindley Park neighborhood - 10am - 3 Hours
Greensboro Photography Group
Malcolm Miller
Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure? Now is your chance!

Join us as we break down your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings affect your exposure.

We will then put your new knowledge to the test with the guidance of a professional photographer.
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$92       4 places left

Portraiture With Natural Light

Portraiture With Natural Light

Sunday 04 May
Lindley Park neighborhood - 3pm - 2 Hours
Greensboro Photography Group
Malcolm Miller
This class is your time to learn and gain a proper understanding of Composition and the importance of light to help boost your photography skills.

We, as a class, will be photographing a model without any on-camera flash or strobe photography. Just the available light, we will walk through, troubleshoot, make adjustments and capture a portrait successfully.

We will also learn how to use light modifiers like a reflector to help capture appropriately exposed shots in not-so-great lighting
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Other Nearby Groups

Guide to Acrylic Painting

Guide to Acrylic Painting

Saturday 22 February
4th Street - 9am - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Art Group
Samantha Wharton
Join us for a class focused on acrylic painting techniques, where you'll learn essential basics such as material selection and painting methods. Bring your own canvases and acrylic paints to get started.
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Worldbuilding: Maps

Worldbuilding: Maps

Saturday 01 March
Marshall St N - 9am - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Art Group
Samantha Wharton
Worldbuilding is the art and process of creating a fictional universe. One of the first things a worldbuilder does is create their own map to get a quick reference to how big the world is. In this class we're going to be creating a world map for your fantasy world. You'll also learn about useful resources to build both digitally and traditionally.
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Watercolor Custom Pet Painting

Watercolor Custom Pet Painting

Saturday 01 March
Brookstown Ave Ste - Downtown Winston-Salem - 10am - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Watercolor Group
Abby Davenport
Have you ever wanted to make a beautiful watercolor portrait of your very own furry loved one? If so in this guided watercolor class is for you! I will create a sketch layout based on a headshot picture of your pet you send and you will get the chance to flesh it out with colors of your choice!Please email upon registration with photos and allow atleast 48 hours prior to scheduled date to complete said sketches. Beginners welcome!
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Beginner's Watercolor Class

Beginner's Watercolor Class

Saturday 15 March
Brookstown Ave Ste - Downtown Winston-Salem - 10am - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Watercolor Group
Abby Davenport
Are you wanting to learn more about Watercolor painting? Do you want to have fun blending colors and drawing out your hidden artistic power? Then join this small class hosted by professional instructor Abby Davenport, specifically designed to assist beginners! You will learn fundamental watercolor techniques, color theory, how to mix paint, draw out hidden forms, and then turn your knowledge into a stunning piece of paper art.
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Perspective Drawing

Perspective Drawing

Saturday 29 March
Indiana Avenue - 9am - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Art Group
Samantha Wharton
Perspective drawing is a technique used in art to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface

In this workshop, we will explore the art of creating depth and dimension in your drawings through the use of perspective.

Our experienced instructors will guide you through the process of understanding and applying the principles of perspective.

Perfect for complete beginners.
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Watercolor Nature Painting

Watercolor Nature Painting

Saturday 29 March
S Main St - 10am - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Watercolor Group
Abby Davenport
We will be painting the beautiful cultivated scenery of the botanical Gardens. A perfect place to sit and paint as there is much space and ample parking. This will be a very relaxed class where the watercolor painters can carefully block out the scene with light pencil work if desired and depict the surroundings in a still life painting.
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Landscape Painting

Landscape Painting

Saturday 05 April
Downtown Winston-Salem - 1pm - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Watercolor Group
Abby Davenport
We will capture the timeless beauty of local historical architecture. Beginners welcome.
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Urban Sketch

Urban Sketch

Saturday 12 April
Oak Summit Park - 9am - 2 Hours
Winston Salem Art Group
Samantha Wharton
This meet-up is for people who are interested in sketching urban scenes and capturing the environment around yourself. By using a pen, pencils, and/or color pencils we will learn how to draw the environment and capture what you see surrounding the urban scene.
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Come along to our photo sessions to dust off your camera and get snap-happy with a professional photography instructor.

Brush up on your camera skills and learn new photography techniques whilst on a photo walk class with other local keen photographers!

We run two hour photography sessions based on a photography theme/technique/style and they take place in various locations in Winston Salem.

  • New to photography? We also run a popular 3 hour Beginners Guide to Photography Class once a month. And once in a while we will run special niche 3 hour classes, for example, Astrophotography - so do subscribe to our newsletter to know when the next on is!

  • Who can attend? Open to all skill levels, from beginners to keen amateurs. The photography instructor is there to help you with camera settings and provide any advice you need.

  • What to bring? We recommend bringing a camera that has full manual mode or semi-manual modes (Aperture or Shutter Priority). Compact cameras and smartphones also welcome!

    The meeting point and full details for the day are sent in the booking confirmation email to the email address you provide at time of booking.

    Join the Winston Salem Photography Group on Facebook to share your photos after the session.

    Got a question? Try our FAQ.
    Was good
    Was a good event. I learned alot
    Thanks for the helpful and fun class!

    The event was excellent and informative. Mikayla was knowledgeable and extremely helpful.
    We had a great time and learned a lot. I have some great images.
    Robert Pantazes
    Learned a lot from Josh. It was a raining but we did get some nice images. I learn how to use the HDR.

    Always enjoy classes by Josh. Always learn something new. Takes me out of my routine and I see more. Enjoy his point of view.
    It was fun, informative and inspiring to get out and rethink street photography. Excellent teaching energy and knowledge!
    I had so much fun in this outing and learned a lot. Josh is a very knowledgeable instructer and is a skilled and talented photographer. It was an eye opening and positive experience. I look forward to attending more photography events and learning new skills.

    My son had a great time, the instructor was awesome. She was a great teacher and explained everything very well. My normally bored son was fully willing to learn and listen to all of the instruction he was given. The instructor?s teaching style is an excellent reason for everyone who is interested in learning photography. We will take more classes!!!
    I love this class, I just think we should try a different location to keep it fresh
    Very enjoyable. Good knowledge and practice!

    Mikayla Penner
    Mikayla is a New England born, North Carolina transplant with 8 years of photography experience. Growing up, her mother always had a camera in her hand and slowly passed that love of photography down to her.
    While she is well-rounded in most photography genres, Mikayla specializes in creative portraits and sports photography.
    Besides photography, Mikayla also comes from a teaching background with a love for students with special needs.

    Mikayla Penner is available for private bookings

    Available weekends.
    Specializing in weddings, family, seniors, maternity, and sporting events.
    Covering all your photographic needs.

    Winston Salem Photography Group
    Title or Location: Old Kernersville Lake Park
    One of my favorite places to take pictures, especially fall. Old Kernersville Lake Park. Having grown up around here I knew about it but it?s a never busy little hidden park .
    Credit: Brian D

    Winston Salem Photography Group
    Title or Location: Winston-Salem, NC
    Clear autumn morning view
    Credit: Paul Gerst
    Winston Salem Photography Group
    Title or Location: Fourth of July park. Kernersville NC
    A fall afternoon I went to the park , mainly to get fall leaf pictures and it had been a while since I?d been there but the wild life was everywhere. Just before this shot I got the closest picture of a chipmunk ever! Anyway was about done when this cardinal landed in the creek near me for a bath! Beautiful red and I never realized the underside of there feathers are purple! Beautiful! My favorite part was the video of him bathing! I wish I could show it here! It got me back into video and I?m g
    Credit: Brian D

    Winston Salem Photography Group
    Title or Location: A little field near my house.
    So ever since I started shooting with my first real camera I've been going to a little field near my house. Mostly for Corn Flowers and spring daisies. On this outing I was actually testing out a new portrait lens. The LUMIX G 42.5mm F1.7. It's a tiny thing but pretty dang sharp! Some reviews mentioned Macro with it! And I think they were right!!
    Credit: Brian Duncan

    Winston Salem Photography Group
    Title or Location: Firefly Haven
    I met up with Ciara to buy a lens off marketplace, a totally random encounter. With some small talk this encounter started to feel not so random. My 9-5 is a mammographer and Ciara had just finished a milestone in her treatment for breast cancer, I felt honored to be able to capture this accomplishment. And to all the survivors out there, your strong and beautiful &128525
    Credit: Alysha Schilling
    Facebook: @foursistersartistryco
    Instagram: @four_sisters_artistry_co
    Winston Salem Photography Group
    Title or Location: Greensboro Science Center
    Took my grandson and daughter to the Greensboro Science Center and also my Canon R6 70-200mm L f4 lens, and those hypnotic eyes on the Komodo Dragon summoned my attention. That's when I popped the camera out of the bag and shot this green wonder animal.
    Credit: Chicho Men2APhoto
    Facebook: Chicho Mendoza
    Instagram: Men2APhoto

    Mornington Photography Group
    Title or Location: Narre Warren
    Spent the end of the day watching the sun set over the local lakeside reserve, the different hues of red and orange painting the sky creating a beautiful landscape
    Credit: Anne-Maree Wise
    Instagram: @annemareew11

    Lincoln Photography Group
    Title or Location: Observation Tower /Platte River State Park
    I was taking shots of the trees in fall colors, when the train came around the bend and lined up with the edge of the water. Lucky shot....right time, right place!
    Credit: Cyndi Miller
    Facebook: Cyndi Akin-Miller
    Instagram: 1cyndi1
    Las Vegas Photography Group
    Title or Location: Red Rock Canyon Overlook
    The moon is setting behind the mountain range, giving the faint glow behind the mountains. Taken with a Nikon Z5 30mm f/2.8, 5 sec and ISO 2500.
    Credit: Michelle Albert

    Albuquerque Photography Group
    Title or Location: Placitas, NM
    Clouds and star trails, Placitas, NM.
    Credit: Jim N

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